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2018-09-17 S.B. min. Exec.Sess.
Town of Princeton, Mass. – September 17, 2018
Executive Session Minutes – SELECTBOARD

Executive Session 8:55 PM – In the open meeting, the board voted to go into Executive Session, only to adjourn after the executive session. Selectboard members present were Edith M., Karen C. and Richy B. with T.A. Nina N.

Executive Session

Discussion begin at 8:59 PM (i.e. once public meeting attendees had left the room and a short break).

Executive Session, in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21: Exemption Two – To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel – Police Chief

Following up on the last discussion, Nina reported that sick leave buy back was not pensionable. She also shared that other recent department head increases were as follows:

  • Fire Chief's salary - While it may be apples and oranges, given the part time nature of the Fire Chief, he received an 11.3% increase between FY17 and FY18, going from a salary of $30,000 to a salary of $33,399.96 per year.
  • Highway Superintendent's salary - Each year between FY16 and FY20, by contract the Highway Superintendent has received/is to receive between 3.44 and 3.12% increases in salary, subject to successful performance.
Richy handed out an analysis he had conducted relative to the available November 2017 survey of Police Chief’s salaries across the Commonwealth. He had sorted by communities with a population under 10,000 residents in the area (around Central Mass). Based on a comparison of salary to population, the results showed that Chief Powers was compensated reasonably well.

The Selectboard and TA discussed an option to offer Chief Powers 1%, 1%, and 1% without any sick leave buy back, indicating that the board appreciated her work, and believed she was well compensated compared to other comparable towns of our size. The Selectboard discussed the pros and cons of changing the offer to reduce the percentage increases and include a sick leave buy back. The board agreed to revisit the scenarios to be prepared by Nina at its next regular meeting.

9:44 PM Selectmen closed the executive session with Edith making a motion to adjourn, Richy seconded and in roll call vote they adjourned with Edith, Karen and Richy each saying “aye.”

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator

S.B. Referenced Documents:  Police Chief Salary Survey Analysis by Richy.